Notable Differences between Faculty-in-Residence and House Professor-Dean Positions

Faculty-in-Residence (FIR) House Professor-Dean (HPD)
Eligibility requirement Tenured faculty, senior lecturer, or clinical professor Tenured faculty
Student residents First-year only Sophomores, juniors, seniors, transfers
Mission and scope of work Primary focus on creating a supportive and inclusive environment that fosters intellectual engagement, personal development, holistic well-being, and a sense of belonging and connectedness Leads house, providing intellectual and social direction; hires staff and participates in staff training; directly or indirectly involved in a wide range of projects and issues concerning students, staff, and facilities
Regularity of informal and formal interaction with residents Several times a week Daily
Special dinners for members of residential community None, but each FIR organizes one introductory reception for their building at the start of the fall semester Required weekly dinners throughout fall and spring semesters
Regularly occurring meetings in which residential faculty participate Monthly FIR meetings, regular weekly or bi-weekly meetings with residence hall director, occasionally joins residential staff meetings Monthly West Campus House Council meetings (serving as co-chair for one year), monthly HPD meetings, monthly HPD and house assistant dean meetings, weekly residential staff meetings, regular meetings with house assistant dean
Sources of programmatic and administrative support within residential community Conference and Event Services provides programmatic support; FIR has no administrative responsibilities House assistant dean, graduate resident fellows, undergraduate resident fellows, house administrative coordinator, house office student staff
Supervisory responsibilities None Supervises house assistant dean, shared supervision of graduate resident fellows, dotted line relationship with house chef
Separate office in residential community No Yes
Yearly stipend $5,500 $10,000
Reduction in departmental and college responsibilities None Yes, 50% release time from professional obligations in HPD’s department and college
Leave provided at end of appointment No Yes, one semester leave is provided after fifth year as HPD
Appointment length 4-year initial term with possibility of 2-year extension 3-year initial term with possibility of 2-year extension