Call for Nominations

Dear Colleagues:

We are pleased to issue a call for nominations for a faculty-in-residence in Mary Donlon Hall on North Campus. The appointment begins August 2026.

Understanding that the first-year experience is pivotal to students’ overall academic satisfaction and success, and that students establish patterns in their first year, the North Campus living-learning community plays a central role in this transition to Cornell. Faculty-in-residence help to create a shared experience in a supportive and inclusive environment that fosters academic and intellectual learning, personal development, holistic well-being, and a sense of belonging and connectedness.

Faculty-in-residence provide opportunities for residents to engage with faculty members over meals and through intellectually and culturally rich programming. Faculty-in-residence also select and work with faculty and community fellows who participate in or develop their own programming and dine with students. Each of the first-year residential communities includes a residence hall director (RHD) and undergraduate resident advisors (RAs). RHDs are student affairs professionals who can be invaluable in providing feedback on program ideas and logistics, as well as creating a culture of engagement. RAs are specially trained undergraduates living on the student floors and they act as peer mentors, peer leaders, and community organizers.

The position of faculty-in-residence is available to tenured faculty, clinical professors, and senior lecturers. Faculty-in-residence report to the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and work closely with members of Student and Campus Life.

Faculty-in-residence appointments are for an initial four-year term with a possible renewal for one additional two-year term. The faculty-in-residence lives with any immediate family members in a three-bedroom apartment. Cornell Dining privileges are provided to the faculty-in-residence and any immediate family members, and the faculty-in-residence receives a reserved North Campus parking space. The position includes a salary supplement.

Nominations should be sent to Stacy Kesselring,, by December 13, 2024. If you are nominating a colleague(s), please simply supply their name(s). If you are nominating yourself, please provide a brief statement, by e-mail, explaining your interest.

Eligible nominees will be asked to provide application materials by January 31, 2025, and in February, the search committee will begin selecting candidates for interviews. We anticipate offers will be made by mid-May, and the appointed faculty member will have a full year to work with the current faculty-in-residence before assuming residency in August 2026.

In addition to the faculty-in-residence position, we are conducting a search for a house professor-dean in Alice Cook House on West Campus, which begins summer 2026. While both the faculty-in-residence and house professor-dean positions are rooted in the mission of meaningful faculty engagement with students outside the classroom, the positions have significant differences in responsibilities and expectations, including time commitments, appointment terms, compensation, and eligibility requirements.

We encourage interested faculty to contact any of the faculty-in-residence for further information as well as Ethan Stephenson, Director of Faculty Living-Learning Programs. He may be reached at Additional information about the faculty-in-residence position, names and contact information for current faculty-in-residence, and information about opportunities to attend open houses, can be found on the faculty-in-residence search page. Women and underrepresented minorities are especially encouraged to apply.

Best regards,

John A. Siliciano ‘75, J.D., M.P.A.
Interim Provost

Lisa H. Nishii, Ph.D.
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education & Vice Provost for Enrollment