June 12, 2018
As the Provost has indicated, the discussion of the organizational structures report will continue over the summer and into the fall. In this next phase, which will start later this week, we plan to host a series of discussions to explore the ideas that have not received adequate attention in forums thus far. Each discussion will focus on an individual idea, and we hope that participants will arrive with constructive thoughts for how we might flesh out the focal idea, or develop a different approach related to that focal idea.
You are welcome to attend as many of these meetings as you like. Note that, for a few of the ideas, we have scheduled separate meetings for faculty of different ranks in order to provide more opportunity for junior faculty to give voice to their opinions.
We emphasize that these meetings are merely part of an ongoing discussion that started this spring and that will continue into the fall. We recognize that some of you may not be available, especially given the short notice. There will be additional opportunities for you to participate later this summer and in the fall. Please be reminded that we welcome your thoughts via email to ssreview@cornell.edu or at http://blogs.cornell.edu/socialsciencestructuresdiscussion/.
We hope that those who are around campus will choose to join us.
Ideas for discussion, invitees, date, time, location
Structure for Policy
Invited: all
Date and Time: Thursday, June 14 at 3-4 PM
Location: 225 ILR Conference Center, King-Shaw Hall
Cornell Center for Social Sciences
Invited: assistant and associate professors
Date and Time: Friday, June 15 at 3-4 PM
Location: 225 ILR Conference Center, King-Shaw Hall
Cornell Center for Social Sciences
Invited: full professors
Date and Time: Monday, June 18 at 12:15-1:15 PM
Location: Statler Hotel, Yale Princeton Room
Consolidation of related social science departments
Invited: assistant professors only
Date and Time: Monday, June 18 at 3-4 PM
Location: Statler Hotel, Yale Princeton Room
Consolidation of related social science departments
Invited: associate professors only
Date and Time: Tuesday, June 19 at 3-4 PM
Location: Statler Hotel, Pennsylvania Room
Consolidation of related social science departments
Invited: full professors only
Date and Time: Wednesday, June 20 at 9-10 AM
Location: Statler Hotel, Pennsylvania Room
Structure for Health scholarship
Invited: all
Date and Time: Wednesday, June 20 at, 3-4 PM
Location: Statler Hotel, Pennsylvania Room
Structure of social science graduate fields
Invited: all
Date and Time: Thursday, June 21 at 3-4 PM
Location: Statler Hotel, Yale Princeton Room
Creating divisions within Arts & Sciences
Invited: all
Date and Time: Friday, June 22 at 3-4 PM
Location: Statler Hotel, Yale Princeton Room